

    A.I.S. is provided in accordance with the NCLB (No Child Left Behind) initiative developed by the Federal Government. The goal is to insure that every child can be academically successful A.I.S. is established to give students who are achieving at lower levels that extra help. Students are assigned to this class based on their test results and/or as recommended by their teacher. Falconer Central School District is totally committed to encouraging every child to reach their full potential.

    Falconer Central School District AIS Policy


    As of September 1, 2000, school districts in New York State are required to provide Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to students who score below the state designated performance level on state assessments and/or who are at risk of not achieving the Common Core State Standards.

    The Falconer Central School District offers AIS services to students in grades K-12 in the areas of mathematics and ELA. Students also have access to AIS services for Social Studies grades 9-12 and Science in grades 5-12. Highly qualified teachers certified in the content area, Reading, or Special Education provide AIS services in the Falconer Central School District.

    In Kindergarten through Grade 3, the Falconer Central School District screens all students in reading and math with the i-Ready Diagnostic Assessment. Students who score in the bottom twenty-fifth percentile of their current grade level will receive intervention in a small group for a minimum of 30 minutes of instruction 3 days out of the 6-day rotation.

    In Grades 4 through 8, the Falconer Central School District screens all students in ELA and mathematics through a two-step process. First, all students performing below the median scale score between a Level 2/partially proficient and Level 3/proficient on a grade 3-8 ELA or mathematics state assessment shall be considered for AIS. The following tables show the median scale score between levels 2 and 3 for ELA and mathematics in grades 3 to 8.

    Grade 3 English Language Arts, scale score of 305                Grade 3 Mathematics, scale score of 299

    Grade 4 English Language Arts, scale score of 303                Grade 4 Mathematics, scale score of 298

    Grade 5 English Language Arts, scale score of 304                Grade 5 Mathematics, scale score of 306

    Grade 6 English Language Arts, scale score of 301                Grade 6 Mathematics, scale score of 301

    Grade 7 English Language Arts, scale score of 302                Grade 7 Mathematics, scale score of 307

    Grade 8 English Language Arts, scale score of 300                Grade 8 Mathematics, scale score of 304


    Upon identification of a student for consideration for AIS, the Falconer Central School District uses a district-developed procedure, to be applied uniformly at each grade level for determining which students shall receive AIS. After the Falconer Central School District considers a student’s scores on multiple measures of student performance, the Falconer Central School District determines whether the student is required to receive AIS.

    Parents and/or guardians of identified students will be notified in writing regarding the proposed Academic Intervention Services plan that has been developed for their child by their child’s building administrator. Intervention strategies for each student will be implemented after the plan has been developed and the parent(s) have been notified. Academic Intervention Services will occur during the school year. The referring teacher(s), the appropriate counselor, and the building administrator will review the effectiveness of the Academic Intervention Plan periodically. Any student who no longer qualifies for Academic Intervention Services based on his/her academic progress and/or results from appropriate assessments may be released from the plan after appropriate review. Their child’s building administrator will notify parents in writing of the change. Parents should contact the classroom teacher, the building administrator, and/or the student’s assigned guidance counselor with any questions.

    For more information, please contact the following Falconer Central School District Academic Intervention Services personnel.

    Holly Hannon, Principal                                               Teresa Sue Arrance, A.I.S. Reading and Math Teacher

    Paul B. D. Temple Elementary                                    H.C. Fenner Elementary

    K-12 A.I.S. District Administrator                           K-12 A.I.S. Department Chair

    hhannon@falconercsd.org                                           sarrance@falconercsd.org

    (716) 267-3255                                                                  (716) 665-6627

Last Modified on January 21, 2022