Site Shortcuts
- MS/HS drop-off/pick-up procedures
- Fenner Elementary School drop-off/pick-up procedures
- Temple Elementary School drop-off/pick-up procedures
- 2024-2025 District Calendar
- District/School/Sports Calendar of Events
- Athletic Livestream Links
- District Code of Conduct
- District Safety Plan
- FamilyID Athletic Registration
- Foundation Aid Increase Plan
- Guide to School Safety Terminology
- PowerSchool Parent Portal Instructions
- Required Notices
- Southern Chautauqua Federal Credit Union School-Based Branch
- Two-Hour Delay Procedures
Falcon Footnotes
Substitute Teachers Needed
Falconer Central School needs substitute teachers. If you are interested, please visit the "Employment" section of our website or click here for an application.
Dignity for All StudentsThe Falconer Central School District is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students. Each building has a Confidential Reporting Form that may be completed by students or parents that will notify each administrator and our School Safety Advisor of any incidents of harassment, discrimination, or bullying, including cyberbullying. Click on the appropriate building link below:Dignity Act Coordinators:Mr. Terry English, District, 716-665-6624, #3, #2Mr. Jeff Jordan, MSHS, 716-665-6624, #3, #1Mr. Gary Gilbert, Fenner, 716-665-6627, #1, #1Mrs. Holly Hannon, Temple, 716-267-3255, #0
We would like to extend our sincere welcome to all visitors to the FCS website. Please use this as an additional tool for parents, students, and community members to communicate with teachers, staff, and administrators.
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