- Middle and High School
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Middle/High School Health Center
The Health Office at the MS/HS handles much more than just the usual day-to-day taking care of ill and injured students. Every Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 11th-grade student must have an updated physical. If a student has a complete physical from their personal physician, parents may submit a physical form from their doctor. Yearly physicals are also required for any student participating in school-sponsored athletics.Parents should inform the health office as soon as possible regarding updated immunization information.Along with student health issues and physicals, the health office is responsible for dispensing medication in school, monitoring student attendance and those excused from gym classes, and compiling information relating to student injuries.Mrs. Bruce is the school facilitator who deals with the Federal Free and Reduced Meal Program.Mrs. Roxanne Brazie, RN School Nurse
716-665-6624 ext. 4238 MSHS Health Office Fax Number: 716-665-6704
Mrs. Stacy Bruce, LPN Attendance and Food Service Clerk
716-665-6624 ext. 4239 MSHS Health Office Fax Number: 716-665-6704