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    Thank you for your interest in employment with the Falconer Central School District. We are now using the Erie 1 BOCES Applicant Tracking System for applicants applying for permanent employment in our district. Please visit the WNY School Application System to view and/or apply for a permanent position in our district. Please do not mail, fax, or email resumes, letters of interest, reference letters, transcripts, or certifications to the school district. All requested documents should be attached to your online application.

    If you currently do not have an application on the WNY School Application System, you will need to complete one before applying for a permanent position. If you have already completed your application on the WNY School Application System, please be sure you have included Falconer CSD among your selected schools so we can view your application.

    Applicants applying for substitute employment may complete a fillable application (see the menu on the left side of the screen for links to the applications). If you have any questions about the application process, please contact jbowman@falconerschools.org or call 716-665-6624, option 4. Completed substitute applications may be emailed to:  jbowman@falconerschools.org or you may send them to:

    Falconer Central School
    2 East Avenue, N.
    Falconer, NY 14733
    Attn: Stephen Penhollow, Superintendent


    Title IX (Non-Discrimination Statement)