- Falconer Central School
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Falconer Central School Archive Information
The history of Falconer Central School and the surrounding community is of great interest, and it is very important to preserve that information for future generations!
Please use the fillable form to the left to provide any information you may have regarding any of the photos showcased also on the left. Information such as the year and/or location of the photo or any of the names of the people in the photo would be appreciated. We will continue to add photos over time. Please email your information to Jamie Bowman, Secretary to the Superintendent, at jbowman@falconercsd.org or mail to: Falconer Central School, 2 East Avenue, N., Falconer, NY 14733. We will then share this information with the community via the website and in our showcases in the Superintendent’s Office and Board of Education Room in the Falconer Central Middle/High School. Thank you for your help!