• Welcome to Miss Main's Homepage
    Contact Information: Due to our phone system in the building, I do not have direct access to an outside telephone line during most of the school day.  Messages are delivered straight to my inbox, so I may not be able to return calls until later in the afternoon.  If you need to contact me, I am most accessible through email.
    This method will result in the quickest response. My email address is rmain@falconercsd.org
    Modules: This year students will work on some of the New York State Modules.  The units that are adapted will cover the same standards as the modules that are not used.  Here is a link to the webpage to the NYS ELA 8 Modules: https://www.engageny.org/resource/grade-8-english-language-arts
    Online Classrooms:  Most of what we will be doing throughout the year will be on the internet through Google Classroom or Schoology.  If your child doesn't have access to the internet at home, he/she can print out a paper copy of what they are working on before they go home.  Students will use a school email address to set up a google classroom and Schoology account.  Having a google account will help the students in their everyday lessons in many ways: Inspire collaboration-Students can work together in real time in Google Docs (and Sheets, Slides and Sites) to complete that group project - in class and at home.  All students can work on projects at the same time.  Stay connected anywhere-Students, faculty and staff can work together anytime, from any device.  With offline apps, they can keep working even without the internet.  Schools get Google Apps 100% free. Gmail doesn’t include ads